Havel's Leggings
Havel's Leggings
Havel's Leggings Image
Poise 10.5 Durability 500
Weight 15.9 Sell Price / Soul Value 500
Physical Elemental
Base Physical Defence 9.3 Magic Defence 8.1
Strike Defence 8.3 Fire Defence 9.4
Slash Defence 8.9 Lightning Defence 7.3
Thrust Defence 8.3 Dark Defence 8.1
Bleed Resistance 45 Frost Resistance 43
Poison Resistance 43 Curse Resistance 38


Armor as if hewn from a giant boulder, Highly protective, but excessively heavy.

The warriors who followed Havel the Rock never flinched, nor retreated from battle, crushing any foe that stood in their way.


Located on the bridge above the Watchdogs of Farron covenant after defeating Havel the Rock in Archdragon Peak.
Note that you have to defeat the Havel Knight located shortly after the last bonfire of the area, next to the corpse of a Dragon, not those who get summoned


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