Knight Armor
Knight Armor
Knight Armor Image
Poise 12.4 Durability 360
Weight 10.8 Sell Price / Soul Value 150
Physical Elemental
Base Physical Defence 13.2 Magic Defence 7.6
Strike Defence 11.1 Fire Defence 11.0
Slash Defence 12.7 Lightning Defence 6.7
Thrust Defence 12.6 Dark Defence 8.4
Bleed Resistance 45 Frost Resistance 38
Poison Resistance 36 Curse Resistance 24


Armor of a lowly knight, fashioned from solid iron.

This iron armor might be on the heftier side compared to others of their ilk, but as such offer great physical absorption in exchange for its/their imposing weight. Do not think to wear it without the necessary Vitality.



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