Ordained Dress
Ordained Dress
Ordained Dress Image
Poise 2.7 Durability 230
Weight 4.4 Sell Price / Soul Value 1,000
Physical Elemental
Base Physical Defence 5.7 Magic Defence 14.5
Strike Defence 3.9 Fire Defence 11.4
Slash Defence 8.0 Lightning Defence 12.6
Thrust Defence 2.9 Dark Defence 12.6
Bleed Resistance 20 Frost Resistance 48
Poison Resistance 53 Curse Resistance 69


Garb of Friede, Sister of the Painted World. A light blue dress sewn with thick fabric.

After renouncing everything, Friede discovered a people that she wished to protect, and assumed the precise form that they yearned for.


Sold by the Shrine Handmaid for 15,000 souls after defeating Sister Friede.


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