Shadow Leggings
Shadow Leggings
Shadow Leggings Image
Poise 2.7 Durability 230
Weight 2.3 Sell Price / Soul Value 300
Physical Elemental
Base Physical Defence 4.2 Magic Defence 3.1
Strike Defence 3.5 Fire Defence 3.7
Slash Defence 2.9 Lightning Defence 4.5
Thrust Defence 4.2 Dark Defence 3.1
Bleed Resistance 16 Frost Resistance 23
Poison Resistance 24 Curse Resistance 21


Black cloth leggings worn by spooks from an Eastern land. Sacrfices defense for greater mobility.

The late King Oceiros was obsessed by dragons, to the extent that he would later be known as the Consumed King. Countless assassins were sent to end his reign, but none returned.




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