Braille Divine Tomes

Braille Divine Tomes can be given to either Irina of Carim or Karla, which enables them to teach the player new Miracles.

List of Braille Divine Tomes

Key Item Usage Availability
Braille Divine Tome of Carim

Can be given to Irina to add Med Heal, Tears of Denial and Force to her inventory.

On the Road of Sacrifices, below the bridge to the Halfway Fortress Bonfire.

Braille Divine Tome of Lothric

Can be given to Irina to add Bountiful Light, Blessed Weapon and Magic Barrier to her inventory.

In Lothric Castle, inside a room on the top of a building near the Dragon Barracks Bonfire.

Deep Braille Divine Tome

Can be given to Irina or Karla to add Deep Protection and Gnaw to their inventory.

Dropped from a Mimic inside the Cathedral of the Deep.

Londor Braille Divine Tome

Can be given to Irina or Karla to add Vow of Silence, Dark Blade and Dead Again to their inventory.

Can be bought from Yuria of Londor for 50 Souls.


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