Grave Warden Hood
Grave Warden Hood
Grave Warden Hood Image
Poise 0.5 Durability 220
Weight 1.5 Sell Price / Soul Value 70
Physical Elemental
Base Physical Defence 1.5 Magic Defence 3.3
Strike Defence 1.2 Fire Defence 3.3
Slash Defence 2.9 Lightning Defence 4.0
Thrust Defence 1.8 Dark Defence 1.4
Bleed Resistance 30 Frost Resistance 8
Poison Resistance 28 Curse Resistance 25


Rotting, tattered hood. Attire of grave wardens at the Cathedral of the Deep.

Grave wardens were tasked with disposing of the ever rising corpses that plagued the cathedral. Their clothes are utterly putrid, drenched in the blood and mucilage of their undertaking.


Dropped from Cathedral Grave Wardens.


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