Grave Warden's Ashes
Grave Warden's Ashes
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The Grave Warden's Ashes can be given to the Shrine Handmaid to expand her inventory.


Umbral ash of the grave warden of the catacombs of Carthus. With this, the shrine handmaid will prepare new items.

The old man began as a squire, carrying his master's accoutrements. He ended his days a grave warden, and carried them still.


Can be given to the Shrine Handmaid to add the following items to her inventory:
Item Quantity Price (Souls)
Ember 3 2,500
Yellow Bug Pellet 1,500
Kukri 50
Carthus Rouge 1,000
Titanite Shard 800


In the Catacombs of Carthus. Starting from the Catacombs of Carthus Bonfire, head down the stairs on the path followed by the skeleton ball to reach a corridor with numerous Hound-rats. Ascend to the upper level via the stairs or an Illusory Wall further down the corridor. The Grave Warden's Ashes are located next to the wall at the far end of the upper level.


Gracious. Passing fine ash thou'st given.
Let this ash bestow nourishment.
I only hope these new wares content thee…

— "Give umbral ash" to Shrine Handmaid


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