
Database of movesets by Weapon types. See here for completed templates.


One Handed
R1 Right-to-left horizontal swing.
R2 — R2 Heavy overhead chop into overhead chop.
Roll — R1 Fast overhead chop.
Dashing or Backstep — R1 Fast running chop.
Forward + R1 Kick. Useful for breaking guard.
Forward + R2 Jumping overhead chop.
L1 (left hand) Guard.
L2 (left hand) Left-to-right horizontal swing.

Two Handed
R1 Right-to-left horizontal swing.
R2 — R2 Heavy overhead chop into overhead chop.
Roll — R1 Fast overhead chop.
Dashing or Backstep — R1 Fast running chop.
Forward + R1 Kick. Useful for breaking guard.
Forward + R2 Jumping overhead chop.
L1 or L2 Guard


One Handed
R1 Overhead smash.
R2 Left-to-right horizontal smash.
Roll — R1 360 degree horizontal spin Standard.
Dashing or Backstep — R1 Dashingning horizontal smash.
Forward + R1 Kick.
Forward + R2 Leaping overhead smash.
L1 (left hand) Guard.
L2 (left hand) Overhead smash.

Two Handed
R1 Overhead smash.
R2 Left-to-right horizontal smash.
Roll — R1 360 degree horizontal spin Standard.
Dashing or Backstep — R1 Dashingning horizontal smash.
Forward + R1 Kick.
Forward + R2 Leaping overhead smash.
L1 or L2 Guard.


One Handed
R1 Right-to-left horizontal swing.
R2 — R2 Heavy overhead chop into overhead chop.
Roll — R1 Fast overhead chop.
Dashing or Backstep — R1 Fast running chop.
Forward + R1 Kick. Useful for breaking guard.
Forward + R2 Jumping overhead chop.
L1 (left hand) Guard.
L2 (left hand) Left-to-right horizontal swing.

Two Handed
R1 Right-to-left horizontal swing.
R2 — R2 Heavy overhead chop into overhead chop.
Roll — R1 Fast overhead chop.
Dashing or Backstep — R1 Fast running chop.
Forward + R1 Kick. Useful for breaking guard.
Forward + R2 Jumping overhead chop.
L1 or L2 Guard

Great Hammers

One Handed
R1 — R1 — Right-to-left horizontal smashes.
R2 Heavy overhead smash.
Roll — R1 360 degree horizontal spin Standard.
Dashing or Backstep — R1 Dashingning overhead smash.
Forward + R1 Kick.
Forward + R2 Leaping overhead smash.
L1 (left hand) Guard.
L2 (left hand) Left-to-right horizontal smash.

Two Handed
R1 — R1 — Right-to-left horizontal smashes.
R2 Heavy overhead smash.
Roll — R1 Fast ground slam.
Dashing or Backstep — R1 Dashingning overhead smash.
Forward + R1 Kick.
Forward + R2 Leaping overhead smash.
L1 or L2 Guard.


One Handed
R1 — R1 leftward downwards Strike — rightward Strike
R2 — R2 strong Strike — strong uppercut Strike
Roll — R1 fast rightward upwards Strike
Dashing or Backstep — R1 rightward Strike
Forward + R1 Kick
Forward + R2 downwards Strike
L1 (left hand) rightward downwards Strike — leftward Strike Same as R1 but alternated
L2 (left hand) Parry

Dual Wield
(L1 —)* L1 — L1 (left jab Strike then right downwards hook Strike —)* leftward Strike then rightward downwards Strike — upwards Strike then leftward Strike (* Only if it's the first move)
L2 Skill
Roll — L1 fast double leftward uppercut Strikes
Dashing or Backstep — L1 left backhand Strike then right downwards Strike

Dark Hand

One Handed
R1 — R1 leftward downwards Dark/Strike — rightward Dark/Strike
R2 — R2 strong Dark/Strike — strong uppercut Dark/Strike
Roll — R1 fast Thrust fast rightward upwards Dark/Strike
Dashing or Backstep — R1 rightward Dark/Strike
Forward + R1 Kick
Forward + R2 downwards Dark/Strike
L1 (left hand) Guard
L2 (left hand) Skill


R1 — R1 Right hook punch into backhand blow.
R2 — R2 Straight punch into uppercut.
Roll — R1 Backhand blow.
Dashing or Backstep — R1 Dashingning backhand blow.
Forward + R1 Knee kick. Same effect as a regular kick.
L1 (left hand) Very fast straight punch. Much lower damage.
L2 (left hand) Parry.


Shield - Parry

One Handed
L1 (left hand) Guard
L2 (left hand) Parry
R1 — R1 — Shield punch — ground punch
R2 — R2 Shield swing — backhand swing
Roll — R1 Shield Uppercut
Dashing or Backstep — R1 running Push
Forward + R1 slow Push

Two Handed
R1 — R1 — fast Shield bashes
R2 — R2 running Push — Shield swing
Roll — R1 Shield Bash
Dashing or Backstep — R1 Shield Bash
Forward + R1 Push
L1 or L2 Guard

Shield - Bash

One Handed
L1 (left hand) Guard
L2 (left hand) Parry
R1 Shield Bash
R2 Heavy Shield Bash
Dashing or Backstep — R1 Dashingning Shield Swing
Forward + R1 Push
Forward + R12 Jump Standard

Two Handed
L1 or L2 Guard
R1 Shield Bash
R2 R2 Shield Charge — Shield swing
Roll — R1 Shield Bash
Dashing or Backstep — R1 Charge —- Shield Swing
Forward + R1 Push


One Handed
R1 Quick thrust Standard. Can be done with shield raised.
R2 Strong thrust Standard.
Roll — R1 Overhead chop.
Dashing or Backstep — R1 Dashingning thrust Standard.
Forward + R1 Kick.
Forward + R2 Jumping thrust Standard.
L1 (left hand) Guard.
L2 (left hand) Quick thrust Standard.

Two Handed
R1 Quick thrust Standard. Can be done with shield raised.
R2 Strong thrust Standard.
Roll — R1 Overhead chop.
Dashing or Backstep — R1 Dashingning thrust Standard.
Forward + R1 Kick.
Forward + R2 Jumping thrust Standard.
L1 or L2 Guard.


One Handed
R1 Quick thrust Standard. Can be done with shield raised.
R2 Strong thrust Standard.
Roll — R1 Overhead chop.
Dashing or Backstep — R1 Dashingning thrust Standard.
Forward + R1 Kick.
Forward + R2 Jumping thrust Standard.
L1 (left hand) Guard.
L2 (left hand) Quick thrust Standard.

Two Handed
R1 Quick thrust Standard. Can be done with shield raised.
R2 Strong thrust Standard.
Roll — R1 Overhead chop.
Dashing or Backstep — R1 Dashingning thrust Standard.
Forward + R1 Kick.
Forward + R2 Jumping thrust Standard.
L1 or L2 Guard.


One Handed
R1 — R1 Overhead chop into left-to-right horizontal swing.
R2 — R2 Heavy left-to-right horizontal swing into right-to-left horizontal swing.
Roll — R1 Fast left-to-right horizontal swing.
Dashing or Backstep — R1 Overhead chop.
Forward + R1 Kick.
Forward + R2 Jumping left-to-right horizontal slash.
L1 (left hand) Guard.
L2 (left hand) Overhead chop.

Two Handed
R1 — R1 Overhead chop into left-to-right horizontal swing.
R2 720 degree clockwise spin Standard. Hits twice.
Roll — R1 Fast left-to-right horizontal swing.
Dashing or Backstep — R1 Overhead chop.
Forward + R1 Kick.
Forward + R2 Jumping left-to-right horizontal slash.
L1 or L2 Guard


One Handed
R1 Overhead chop. Rather slow for an R1 Standard.
R2 — R2 Heavy right-to-left horizontal swing into left-to-right horizontal swing.
Roll — R1 Overhead chop.
Dashing or Backstep — R1 Dashingning right-to-left horizontal swing.
Forward + R1 Kick.
Forward + R2 Jumping left-to-right horizontal slash.
L1 (left hand) Guard.
L2 (left hand) Quick left-to-right horizontal swing.

Two Handed
R1 Faster overhead chop.
R2 — R2 Dashingning left-to-right horizontal swing into right-to-left horizontal swing.
Roll — R1 Overhead chop.
Dashing or Backstep — R1 Dashingning right-to-left horizontal swing.
Forward + R1 Kick.
Forward + R2 Jumping left-to-right horizontal slash.
L1 or L2 Guard

Straight Sword

One Handed
R1 — R1 leftward Standard — rightward Standard
R2 — R2 strong piercing Thrust — strong rightward upwards Standard
Roll — R1 fast Thrust
Dashing or Backstep — R1 running rightward Standard
Forward + R1 Kick
Forward + R2 jumping downwards Standard
L1 (left hand) Guard
L2 (left hand) rightward Standard — leftward Standard Same as R1 but alternated

Two Handed
R1 — R1 rightward downwards Standard — leftward upwards Standard
R2 — R2 strong leftward Standard — strong rightward Standard
Roll — R1 fast Thrust
Dashing or Backstep — R1 running downwards Standard
Forward + R1 Kick
Forward + R2 jumping downwards Standard
L1 Guard
L2 Skill

Gotthard's Twinswords

One Handed
R1 — R1 leftward Standard — rightward Standard
R2 — R2 strong piercing Thrust — strong rightward upwards Standard
Roll — R1 fast Thrust
Dashing or Backstep — R1 running rightward Standard
Forward + R1 Kick
Forward + R2 jumping downward Standard
L1 (left hand) Guard
L2 (left hand) rightward Standard — leftward Standard Same as R1 but alternated

Dual Wield
(L1 —)* L1 — L1 (double leftward Standard —)* double Thrust — leftward downwards Standard and rightward upwards Standard (* Only if it's the first move)
L2 Skill
Roll — L1 fast double Thrust
Dashing or Backstep — L1 running double rightward Standard


One Handed
R1 — R1 leftward Standard — rightward Standard
R2 — R2 strong piercing Thrust — strong rightward upwards Standard
Roll — R1 fast Thrust
Dashing or Backstep — R1 running rightward Standard
Forward + R1 Kick
Forward + R2 jumping downwards Standard
L1 (left hand) Guard With Sword
L2 (left hand) rightward Standard — leftward Standard Same as R1 but alternated

Dual Wield
(R1 —)* R1 — R1 (downwards sword Standard —)* spinning leftward shield Strike — overhead rightward downwards sword Standard Attacks while Guarded (* Only if it's the first move)
Roll — R1 fast upward sword Thrust Attacks while Guarded
Forward + R2 jumping lunge Thrust that's angled downwards Attacks while Guarded
L1 Guard With Shield
L2 Skill


One Handed
R1 — R1 leftward downwards Standard — rightward downwards Standard
R2 — R2 strong downwards Standard — strong rightward downwards Standard
Roll — R1 fast downwards Standard
Dashing or Backstep — R1 rightward downwards Standard
Forward + R1 Kick
Forward + R2 jumping downwards Standard
L1 (left hand) Guard
L2 (left hand) rightward downwards Standard — leftward downwards Standard Same as R1 but alternated

Two Handed
R1 — R1 leftward downwards Standard — rightward upwards Standard Uses poise
R2 — R2 strong leftward Standard — strong rightward Standard Uses poise
Roll — R1 fast downwards Standard Uses poise
Dashing or Backstep — R1 rightward downwards Standard Uses poise
Forward + R1 Kick
Forward + R2 jumping downwards Standard
L1 Guard
L2 Skill Uses poise

Tanimura Greatsword (Hollowslayer Greatsword & Drakeblood Greatsword)

One Handed
R1 — R1 leftward downwards Standard — rightward downwards Standard
R2 — R2 strong Thrust — strong rightward downwards Standard
Roll — R1 fast downwards Standard
Dashing or Backstep — R1 rightward downwards Standard
Forward + R1 Kick
Forward + R2 jumping downwards Standard
L1 (left hand) Guard
L2 (left hand) rightward downwards Standard — leftward downwards Standard Same as R1 but alternated

Two Handed
(R1 —)* R1 — R1 (leftward downwards Standard —)* rightward upwards Standard — leftward Standard Uses poise (* Only if it's the first move)
R2 — R2 strong Thrust — strong rightward upwards Standard Uses poise
Roll — R1 fast Thrust Uses poise
Dashing or Backstep — R1 rightward downwards Standard Uses poise
Forward + R1 Kick
Forward + R2 jumping downwards Standard
L1 Guard
L2 Skill Uses poise

Ultra Greatsword

One Handed
R1 horizontal Swing
R2 — R2 vertical Chop — vertical overhead Chop
Roll — R1 sweeping ground Standard
Dashing or Backstep — R1 forward overhead Chop
Forward + R1 Kick
L1 (left hand) Guard
L2 (left hand) Swing

Two Handed
R1 — R1 heavy swing — backward Standard combo: (R1-R2-R1) / (R1-R2-R2)
R2 — R2 forward overhead Chop — ground Stab combo: (R2-R1)
Roll — R1 ground Stab
Dashing or Backstep — R1 fast Sweep Standard
Forward + R1 Kick
L1 or L2 Guard

Curved Sword

One Handed
R1 — R1 leftward Slash — rightward Slash
R2 — R2 strong leftward upwards Slash — strong rightward downwards Slash
Roll — R1 fast rightward Slash
Dashing or Backstep — R1 leftward upward Slash
Forward + R1 Kick
Forward + R2 jumping rightward Slash
L1 (left hand) Guard
L2 (left hand) rightward Slash — leftward Slash Same as R1 but alternated

Two Handed
R1 — R1 leftward Slash — rightward Slash
R2 — R2 strong rightward downwards Slash — strong leftward upwards Slash If the second Slash is charged: strong double overhead Slash
Roll — R1 fast rightward Slash
Dashing or Backstep — R1 leftward upwards Slash
Forward + R1 Kick
Forward + R2 jumping rightward Slash
L1 Guard
L2 Skill

Light Curved Sword

One Handed
R1 — R1 leftward Slash — rightward Slash
R2 — R2 strong double overhead Slash — strong leftward Slash If the second Slash is charged: short leap into strong leftward Slash
Roll — R1 fast rightward Slash
Dashing or Backstep — R1 upward Slash
Forward + R1 rightward Slash Followed by backwards cartwheel
Forward + R2 jumping rightward Slash
L1 (left hand) rightward Slash — leftward Slash Same as R1 but alternated
L2 (left hand) Parry

Two Handed
R1 — R1 leftward Slash — rightward Slash
R2 — R2 strong double overhead Slash — strong leftward upwards Slash
Roll — R1 fast rightward Slash
Dashing or Backstep — R1 upward Slash
Forward + R1 rightward Slash Followed by backwards cartwheel
Forward + R2 jumping rightward Slash
L1 Guard
L2 Skill

Twinblades (Sellsword Twinblades, Warden Twinblades)

One Handed
R1 — R1 leftward Slash — rightward Slash
R2 — R2 strong double overhead Slash — strong leftward Slash If the second Slash is charged: short leap into strong leftward horizontal Slash
Roll — R1 fast rightward Slash
Dashing or Backstep — R1 upward Slash
Forward + R1 rightward Slash Followed by backwards cartwheel
Forward + R2 jumping rightward Slash
L1 (left hand) rightward Slash — leftward Slash Same as R1 but alternated
L2 (left hand) Parry

Dual Wield
(L1 —)* L1 — L1 (double leftward Slash —)* double rightward Slash — outward Slashes (* Only if it's the first move)
L2 Spin Slash (Skill) Can be continued with a subsequent R2
Roll — L1 fast double rightward Slash
Dashing or Backstep — L1 leftward Slash accompanied by a leftward upward Slash

Dancer's Enchanted Swords

One Handed
R1 — R1 leftward Magic/Slash — rightward Magic/Slash
R2 — R2 strong leftward upwards Magic/Slash — strong rightward downwards Magic/Slash
Roll — R1 fast rightward Magic/Slash
Dashing or Backstep — R1 leftward upward Magic/Slash
Forward + R1 Kick
Forward + R2 jumping rightward Magic/Slash
L1 (left hand) Guard
L2 (left hand) rightward Magic/Slash — leftward Magic/Slash Same as R1 but alternated

Dual Wield
(L1 —)* L1 — L1 (rightward Magic/Slash and Fire/Slash —)* leftward Magic/Slash and Fire/Slash — rightward upward Magic/Slash followed by rightward Fire/Slash (* Only if it's the first move)
L2 Skill
Roll — L1 fast downward Magic/Slash followed by a rightward Fire/Slash
Dashing or Backstep — L1 rightward Magic/Slash followed by a upward Fire/Slash

Curved Greatsword

One Handed
R1 — R1 leftward downwards Slash — rightward downwards Slash Uses poise
R2 — R2 strong leftward downwards Slash — strong rightward downwards Slash Uses poise
Roll — R1 fast rightward upwards Slash Uses poise
Dashing or Backstep — R1 rightward Slash Uses poise
Forward + R1 Kick
Forward + R2 jumping rightward downwards Slash
L1 (left hand) Guard
L2 (left hand) rightward downwards Slash — leftward downwards Slash Same as R1 but alternated, uses poise

Two Handed
R1 — R1 leftward downwards Slash — rightward downwards Slash Uses poise
R2 — R2 strong overhead downwards Slash — strong overhead downwards Slash Uses poise
Roll — R1 fast rightward upwards Slash Uses poise
Dashing or Backstep — R1 rightward Slash Uses poise
Forward + R1 Kick
Forward + R2 jumping (slightly rightward) overhead downwards Slash
L1 Guard
L2 Skill


One Handed
R1 — R1 — alternating horizontal Slash
R2 charged piercing Thrust
Roll — R1 upward Slash
Dashing or Backstep — R1 running piercing Thrust
Forward + R1 Push
L1 (left hand) horizontal Slash (L1-R1- when dual wielding katanas)
L2 (left hand) Parry

Two Handed
R1 — R1 — vertical Slash — upward Slash
R2 charged vertical overhead Slash
Roll — R1 upward Slash
Dashing or Backstep — R1 running piercing Thrust
Forward + R1 Push
L1 or L2 Guard


One Handed
R1 — R1 horizontal Swipe
R2 — R2 heavy horizontal Swipe
Roll — R1 forward Stab
Dashing or Backstep — R1 forward Stab
Forward + R1 Kick
L1 (left hand) horizontal Swipe
L2 (left hand) Parry

Two Handed
R1 — R1 downward Slash
R2 — R2 heavy downward Slash
Roll — R1 forward Stab
Dashing or Backstep — R1 downward Slash
Forward + R1 Kick
L1 or L2 Guard

Thrusting Sword

One Handed Output Notes
R1 — R1 Thrust — Thrust
(Hold Guard) R1 Thrust Attacks while Guarded
R2 — R2 strong Thrust — strong upwards Thrust
Roll — R1 fast Thrust
Dashing or Backstep — R1 Thrust
Forward + R1 rightwards Thrust
Forward + R2 Thrust
L1 (left hand) Guard
L2 (left hand) Thrust — Thrust Same as R1 but alternated

Two Handed Output Notes
R1 — R1 Thrust — Thrust
R2 — R2 strong Thrust — strong upwards Thrust
Roll — R1 fast Thrust
Dashing or Backstep — R1 Thrust
Forward + R1 rightwards Thrust
Forward + R2 Thrust
L1 Guard
L2 (Skill)

Crow Quills

One Handed Output Notes
R1 — R1 Thrust — Thrust
(Hold Guard) R1 Thrust Attacks while Guarded
R2 — R2 strong Thrust — strong upwards Thrust
Roll — R1 fast Thrust
Dashing or Backstep — R1 Thrust
Forward + R1 rightwards Thrust
Forward + R2 Thrust
L1 (left hand) Guard
L2 (left hand) Thrust — Thrust Same as R1 but alternated

Dual Wield Output Notes
(L1 —)* L1 — L1 (rightward Slash then leftward Slash —)* triple Thrust — leftward Slash then Thrust (* Only if it's the first move)
L2 Quill Dart (Skill) Can be continued with a subsequent R2, has Poise
Roll — L1 fast outward Slashes (Please test if the rapier attack is Thrust!!!)
Dashing or Backstep — L1 jumping downwards Thrust
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