When first met
Welcome to the bonfire, Unkindled One.
I am a firekeeper. I tend to the flame and tend to thee.
The Lords have left their thrones, and must be deliver'd to them. To this end, I am at thy side.
"Talk" command
Ashen One, to be Unkindled is to be a vessel for souls. Sovereignless souls will become thy strength.
I will show thee how. Ashen One, bring me souls, plucked from their vessels.
"Talk" command the second time before creating the bonfire
Ashen One, produce the coiled sword at the bonfire. The mark of ash will guide thee to the land of the Lords.
To Lothric, where the homes of the Lords converge.
"Level Up" command
Very well. Then touch the darkness within me.
Take nourishment from these sovereignless souls
During "Level Up"
Let these souls, withdrawn from their vessels,
manifestations of disparity, elucidated by fire,
borrow deep within me, retreating to a darkness beyond the reach of flame,
let them assume a new master, inhabiting ash, casting themselves upon new forms.
Farewell, Ashen One. May the flames guide thee.
Ashen one, this is…
… much like what lies within me…
Then let it find its own place, within my bosom.
She will understand. We are both Fire Keepers, after all.
Forgive me, sister.
May the flames guide thy way.
"Talk" command while having the Eyes of a Fire Keeper in inventory
Ashen one, may I pose thee a question?
Has the little Lord Ludleth spoken to thee of any…curious matters?
I sense that he possesseth some knowledge…
Of a thing once most precious, or most terrible, now lost to the Fire Keepers.
Pray tell, is it a matter of which I should be apprised?
When selecting "Give Eyes of a Fire Keeper"
…Ashen one, are these… …are theses eyes?
How gracious of thee, ashen one. The very things we Fire Keepers have been missing…
When interacting with her for the first time after giving her the eyes
Please, kill me, and take these eyes away.
"Talk" command for the first time after giving her the eyes
Ashen one, my thanks for the eyes thou'st given… but Fire Keepers are not meant to have eyes. It is forbidden.
These will reveal, through a sliver of light, frightfull images of betrayal.
A world without fire. Ashen one, is this truly thy wish?
Choosing "Wish for a world without flame":
Of course. I serve thee, and will do as thou bid'st.
This will be our private affair. No one else may know of this.
Stay thy path, find lords to link the fire, and i will blindly tend to the flame.
Until the day of thy grand betrayal.
Choosing "Decline" instead:
Of course not.
Then kill me, and strip these eyes from my person.
I will return as the Firekeeper I once was. As it has always been.
When selecting "Talk" for the second time after giving her the eyes
Ashen one, forgive me if this soundeth strange.
The eyes show a world without fire, a vast stretch of darkness.
But 'tis different to what is seen when stripped of vision.
In the far distance, I sense the presence of tiny flames. Like precious embers, left to us by past Lords, linkers of the fire.
Could this be what draws me to this strangely enticing darkness?
When selecting "Talk" for all following times after giving her the eyes
Ashen one, if thine heart should bend… ….kill me, and strip these eyes from my person.
I will return as the Firekeeper I once was. As it has always been.
When selecting "Leave" after giving her the eyes
Farewell, ashen one. Mayst thou thy peace discov'r
When greeted after giving her the eyes
Ashen One, if, when thou peerest upon the First Flame…
Thou wishest yet, for a world without fire, for an end to the linking of the fire…
Then call upon me.
I am a Fire Keeper, and I tend to the flame to the very end.
Thou'st given me eyes, and such it was they shewed me.
Ashen One, if thine heart should bend…/
… kill me, and strip these eyes from my person.
I will return as the Fire Keeper I once was.
As it always have been.
After the Lords of Cinder have met their thrones and she does not have the Eyes of a Fire Keeper
Ashen one, like the fire.
For the Lords of Cinder, for the ashen prisoners, for all those held to preserve the fire.
Link the First Flame.
After the Lords of Cinder have met their thrones and she does have the Eyes of a Fire Keeper
The five lords sit their five thrones.
All thanks to thee, most worthy of lords.
Ashen One, with the Lords as thy witness, bend thy knee afore the bonfire's coiled sword.
And let the Lords' embers acknowledge thee as their true heir.
A true lord, fit to link the fire.
After kneeling at the bonfire and if she has the Eyes of a Fire Keeper
Noble Lords of Cinder.
The fire fades…
…and the lords go without thrones.
Surrender your fires…
…to the true heir.
Let him grant death…
To the gods of Lordran, deliverers of the First Flame.
After calling the Fire Keeper for the Dark Ending
The First Flame quickly fades.
Darkness will shortly settle.
But one day, tiny flames will dance across the darkness.
Like embers, linked by lords past.
Ashen One, hearest thou my voice, still?
When killed
Ashen one, what is wrong?
When talked to after she respawns
I'm truly sorry.
But know'st thou not? I cannot die.
So please, ashen one, allow me to serve thee.