The player will meet several NPCs (Non-player Characters) while traveling through the kingdom of Lothric.
Some of them will offer their assistance in some form or another, and others will be hostile.

See also: Wikipedia: Non-player character

Major NPCs

Name Location Role
Anri of Astora Road of Sacrifices
Catacombs of Carthus
Irithyll of the Boreal Valley
Anor Londo
Wandering knight in search of Aldrich, Devourer of Gods.
Blacksmith Andre Firelink Shrine Reinforces and Infuses Equipment and Estus.
Cornyx of the Great Swamp Undead Settlement
Firelink Shrine
Pyromancy Trainer. Takes Pyromancy Tomes.
Eygon of Carim Undead Settlement
Firelink Shrine
Protector of Irina of Carim, somewhat begrudgingly.
Fire Keeper Firelink Shrine Allows the player to Level and can cure hollowing.
Greirat of the Undead Settlement High Wall of Lothric
Firelink Shrine
Merchant. Pillages for more wares.
Hawkwood the Deserter Firelink Shrine
Farron Keep
Consumed King's Garden
Archdragon Peak
Crestfallen warrior on the Path of the Dragon.
High Priestess Emma High Wall of Lothric Grants the Small Lothric Banner and Way of Blue.
Horace the Hushed Road of Sacrifices
Catacombs of Carthus
Smouldering Lake
The companion of Anri of Astora.
Irina of Carim Firelink Shrine Miracle Trainer. Takes Divine Tomes.
Karla Irithyll Dungeon
Firelink Shrine
A child of the Abyss, and Spell Trainer.
Ludleth of Courland Firelink Shrine A dutiful Lord of Cinder. Transposes Equipment.
Nestling Firelink Shrine This crow provides rare items in exchange for specific items.
Orbeck of Vinheim Road of Sacrifices
Firelink Shrine
Sorcery Trainer. Takes Scrolls.
Ringfinger Leonhard Firelink Shrine
Cathedral of the Deep
Anor Londo
A Finger of Rosaria. Encourages Invasion.
Rosaria, Mother of Rebirth Cathedral of the Deep Leader of the Rosaria's Fingers. Mother of Rebirth.
Shrine Handmaid Firelink Shrine
Untended Graves
Sells wares to the player. Takes Umbral Ash.
Siegward of Catarina Undead Settlement
Cathedral of the Deep
Irithyll of the Boreal Valley
Irithyll Dungeon
Profaned Capital
A joyful knight of Catarina.
Sirris of the Sunless Realms Firelink Shrine
Irithyll of the Boreal Valley
Undead Settlement
Blade of the Darkmoon, opposed to Rosaria's Fingers.
Unbreakable Patches Cathedral of the Deep
Firelink Shrine
Once again, Patches appears as a trickster Merchant.
Yoel of Londor Undead Settlement
Firelink Shrine
Sorcery Trainer, and begins the Lord of Hollows questline.
Yuria of Londor Firelink Shrine Associate of Yoel of Londor.

Minor NPCs

NPC Location Role
Alva, Seeker of the Spurned Irithyll Dungeon Invading Red Phantom.
Archdeacon McDonnell Irithyll of the Boreal Valley Leader of the Aldrich Faithful.
Black Hand Gotthard Farron Keep
Anor Londo
Co-op Summon.
Black Hand Kamui Grand Archives Drops Onikiri and Ubadachi.
Cage Madman Undead Settlement Provides some minor dialogue.
Company Captain Yorshka Anor Londo Leader of the Blades of the Darkmoon.
Court Sorcerer Profaned Capital Drops Logan's Scroll.
Creighton the Wanderer Irithyll of the Boreal Valley Invading Red Phantom in Sirris of the Sunless Realms' questline.
Daughter of Crystal Kriemhild Untended Graves
Grand Archives
Invading Red Phantom and Grand Archives enemy.
Drang Knight Irithyll of the Boreal Valley Drops Drang Twinspears.
Drakeblood Knight Archdragon Peak Drops Drakeblood Greatsword.
Fallen Knight Cathedral of the Deep Guards the Paladin's Ashes
Great Swamp Cuculus Smouldering Lake Co-op Summon.
Havel the Rock Archdragon Peak Drops Dragon Tooth and Havel's Greatshield.
Holy Knight Hodrick Undead Settlement
Road of Sacrifices
Invading and Summoned Purple Phantom. Mound-maker.
Knight Slayer Tsorig Catacombs of Carthus
Smouldering Lake
Invading Red Phantom and Smouldering Lake enemy.
Lion Knight Albert High Wall of Lothric
Grand Archives
Co-op Summon. Grand Archives enemy.
Londor Pale Shade Farron Keep
Irithyll of the Boreal Valley
Kiln of the First Flame
Co-op Summon and Invading Red Phantom.
Longfinger Kirk Cathedral of the Deep Invading Red Phantom.
Old Woman of Londor Irithyll of the Boreal Valley Assassin of the Lord of Hollows Questline.
Sword Master Cemetery of Ash
High Wall of Lothric
Untended Graves
Enemy and Co-op Summon.
Undead Settlement Giant Undead Settlement Shoots arrows at the White Birches.
Unkindled Brigand Cathedral of the Deep Drops Spider Shield.
Unkindled Butcher Road of Sacrifices Drops Butcher Knife.
Unkindled Ricard Archdragon Peak Drops Ricard's Rapier.
Unkindled Watchdog Road of Sacrifices Drops Exile Greatsword and Great Club.
Yellowfinger Heysel Road of Sacrifices
Farron Keep
Invading Red Phantom and Co-op Summon.

Ashes of Ariandel

Name Location Role
Drowsy Forlorn The Painted World of Ariandel Greets the player after they enter the Painted World of Ariandel.
Forlorn Corvian Settler The Painted World of Ariandel Grants a Titanite Slab after killing Sister Friede.
Livid Pyromancer Dunnel The Painted World of Ariandel Invading Purple Phantom Mound-maker.
Sister Friede The Painted World of Ariandel Grants the Chillbite Ring.
Sir Vilhelm The Painted World of Ariandel A hollow knight who serves Sister Friede.
Slave Knight Gael Cathedral of the Deep Grants access to The Painted World of Ariandel. Co-op Summon.
The Painter The Painted World of Ariandel A white-haired woman hidden away in an attic.

The Ringed City

Name Location Role
Amnesiac Lapp The Dreg Heap
The Ringed City
A hollowing knight in quest of his lost memories. Co-op Summon.
Locust Preacher The Ringed City Strange bug-like creatures that rose from an abyssal swamp.
Moaning Knight The Ringed City Invading Red Phantom. Bears resemblance to Eygon of Carim.
Pygmy King The Ringed City A king of the Ringed City.
Ringed City Hollow The Ringed City Greets the player after they reach the Ringed City and provides some dialogue.
Seeker of the Spurned The Ringed City Invading Red Phantom. Bears resemblance to the wayfarer Alva.
Silver Knight Ledo The Ringed City Invading Red Phantom.
Shira, Knight of Filianore The Ringed City A knight in service to Filianore. Co-op Summon and enemy.
Slave Knight Gael The Dreg Heap Points the way down throughout The Dreg Heap. Co-op Summon.
Stone-humped Hag The Dreg Heap An old woman who sells items and provides some dialogue.
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