Table of Contents
Anri of Astora's Questline / The Lord of Hollows Questline
Two complex, intertwined questlines that revolve around the NPCs Anri of Astora, Yuria of Londor and Yoel of Londor.
- Meet Anri of Astora on the Road of Sacrifices at the Halfway Fortress bonfire.
Anri of Astora's Questline
- Talk to Anri on the Road of Sacrifices
- After the Deacons of the Deep boss fight, talk to Anri in the Firelink Shrine; they will mention that their next destination is Irithyll of the Boreal Valley.
- Talk to them in the Catacombs of Carthus, in an optional hallway just before the stairs with the first Boulder o' Bones. They have lost Horace in the tomb.
- Before the wooden bridge leading to the High Lord Wolnir boss fight, Anri can be found if you follow the cave path to the right of the bridge.
Anri will ask you whether or not you have found Horace.- If the player tells about Horace without killing him, Anri will later be found in the Smouldering Lake in his place, having killed Horace and gone hollow.
- If the player kills Horace right after telling Anri where he is, Anri will not go hollow. They will leave a grave to Horace where he died and the questline will continue.
- If the player has not seen Horace or just decides to lie, Anri will wonder if Horace has abandoned them, and the quest will continue.
- If the player tells about Horace without killing him, Anri will later be found in the Smouldering Lake in his place, having killed Horace and gone hollow.
- Talk to Anri in the Church of Yorshka in Irithyll of the Boreal Valley. Within the church will be a pilgrim disguised as a statue in the corner regardless of the player being on the Lord of Hollows questline or not.
Kill the pilgrim in order to save Anri
If you fail to kill the pilgrim, Step 6 and 7 does not happen, instead you'll find the corpse of the pilgrim behind the illusory wall in Gwyn's Tomb, and Anri dead on the altar, with Anri's Sword in them. Don't forget to talk to Yuria enough that she says your spouse is ready to find them there. - Anri's summon sign can be found in Anor Londo outside the double doors next to a prism stone, which will summon you to Anri's world to help them defeat Aldrich, Devourer of Gods.
Ludleth of Courland will give you Anri's Straight Sword after. - Depending on the player's answer concerning Horace, after receiving Anri's Sword, the hollowed, hostile Anri wielding a broken sword can be found …
- … near the Cathedral of the Deep bonfire on the hill near the Crest Shield or …
- … near the grave they left to Horace in the Smouldering Lake.
- … near the Cathedral of the Deep bonfire on the hill near the Crest Shield or …
The tomb Anri leaves to Horace in Smouldering Lake
Anri, hollowed, standing in front of Horace's grave in Smouldering Lake
- Meet Anri of Astora on the Road of Sacrifices at the Halfway Fortress bonfire.
- Meet Yoel of Londor right before the entrance to the Undead Settlement and accept his service so he teleports to the Firelink Shrine.
- "Draw out True Strength" with Yoel, to receive five Dark Sigils to trigger the appearance of Yuria of Londor in the Firelink Shrine.
The Lord of Hollows Questline
Follow Anri of Astora's Questline as usual, but make sure you stop to take these extra steps in order to unlock the Lord of Hollows ending.
- After talking with Anri in the Catacombs you must speak with Yuria in the Firelink Shrine.
- Do not attack the pilgrim in the Church of Yorshka or the questline will fail
- After killing Pontiff Sulyvahn and exhausting all dialogue with Yuria, Anri can be found in the Darkmoon chamber in Anor Londo.
- Before heading in, speak to the Pilgrim outside who will briefly explain the ceremony.
- Talk to Yuria in the Firelink Shrine.
- From here, you can carry on to obtain the Lord of Hollows ending.
Anri, dead in Gwyn's Tomb: result of not killing the Pilgrim Assassin
- If you have failed to either save them from Horace or the assassin in the church, a pilgrim can be found just outside Darkmoon Tomb, and only Anri's lifeless body will be waiting inside. If this occurs, you will have to attempt this ending in NG+.
- If you come back to Darkmoon Tomb after refreshing the area with a bonfire, you will find the pilgrim dead and can pillage the Chameleon sorcery from his body. You can also loot Anri's Straight Sword from the altar. Upon refreshing the area again, Anri's body will be gone.
- During the Usurpation of the Fire ending, Anri can be seen on the right among the rest of the hollows. If bought the Elite Knight Set from the Shrine Handmaid, Anri will be naked for she/he has nothing to wear, otherwise he/she will be wearing the Elite Knight set.
- To obtain the Usurpation of Fire (Lord of Hollows) ending, DO NOT summon the Firekeeper after the final fight. Light the bonfire alone. Even if you have completed Anri/Yuria's questlines to this point and are holding the eight Dark Sigils you will revert to the End of Fire cutscene regardless of your choice to either betray or allow the Firekeeper to live.
Siegward of Catarina
Gives the player the Siegbrau as well as the Toast, Sleep, and Rejoice Gestures.
Always exhaust the dialogue of Siegward to ensure he moves onto each stage of his storyline!
- Speak to him in the Undead Settlement, he will be coming up on the elevator in the tower that has the arrow shoting Giant atop.
- Speak to him again outside of the tower, he will be sitting on ledge, you can jump down onto from the elevator, overlooking a Demon. Drop down and defeat the Demon to receive his praise and admiration. He will give you a Siegbrau and teach you the Toast and the Sleep Gestures.
- After you open the great doors to the courtyard of the Cathedral of the Deep, he will appear in a well just outside of the Cleansing Chapel. Exhaust his dialogue.
- Next, you can either:
- Purchase the Tower Key in Firelink Shrine and head to the top of the tower in the shrine. You will be trapped by Unbreakable Patches. Escape and speak to Patches and purchase the Catarina Set;
- Alternatively, on the second floor of the Cathedral of the Deep, not very far from the door leading to the courtyard, you can meet Patches pretending as Siegward. He encourages you to walk through a narrow walkway. If you do, a cutscene will play, in which Patches lowers the walkway and reveals himself. Next you will find him on the gallery near the Rosaria's Bed Chamber bonfire. Forgive him, and he will become a merchant here, selling the Catarina Set. Note that if you purchase the Tower Key after forgiving him here, he will still move to Firelink Shrine and trap you in the tower
- Another option is to kill Patches while he is pretending to be Siegward and BEFORE he springs his trap on the walkway. Also, you can then cross the walkway without needed to reach the rafters. This will preclude Patches becoming a merchant, but he will drop the Catarina Set on death.
- Give the armor to Siegward in the well. He will teach you the Rejoice gesture.
- Head to Irithyll of the Boreal Valley, progress through a small sewer near to the lake next to the Distant Manor bonfire. He will be found resting near a fireplace. He will teach you the Toast and the Sleep Gestures here if you didn't learn them earlier, as well as the Emit Force miracle.
- Progress into Irithyll Dungeon, heading through a pit full of rats and a sleeping Giant. In the pit you will find a dungeon cell window, through which you can talk to Siegward (optional)
- To free Siegward, retrieve the Old Cell Key and head to the Profaned Capital bonfire and reach the roof of the blue-peaked house found within a cave. Head towards the stairs to an open window in the wall. Jump off the roof through the window and continue forward to reach Siegward's cell. Free him to receive a Titanite Slab.
- Now, if you fight Yhorm the Giant, Siegward will enter alongside you with his very own Storm Ruler, making the fight much easier. Once Yhorm has been defeated, Siegward will leave behind 1,000 souls, his Catarina Set, Pierce Shield, and Storm Ruler.
- A recurring character from the original Dark Souls, Siegmeyer of Catarina, a knight who is always found "in a pickle" multiple times throughout the game and rewards the player for helping them. They share a face, voice, armour, equipment, country of origin, personality and a similarity in name.
- Proceeding into Irithyll Dungeon without meeting Siegward by the fireplace will place him in the cell and Titanite Slab will still be awarded after he is freed, but he will not appear in the fight against Yhorm the Giant. It seems to be a bug and Siegward has to be killed if you desire his armor.
Greirat of the Undead Settlement
A thief from the High Wall of Lothric, who will scavenge for you and update his stock… should you see to his safety.
- Asks to hand over the Blue Tearstone Ring to a woman named Loretta, then relocates to Firelink Shrine to sell items.
- Pick up Loretta's Bone from a balcony in Undead Settlement before where Peasant Hollows worship a tree with an Estus Shard.
- Hand over the bone, and receive the Curl Up Gesture the next time the area is loaded. The Blue Tearstone Ring is kept.
May now be sent on up to three scavenging runs to update his stock.
- First Run: Pillages Undead Settlement, returning once a boss is defeated.
- Second Run: After passing the Irithyll barrier with the Small Doll, Greirat may scavenge the Boreal Valley. Greirat's Ashes are found in the sewers of Irithyll before the kitchen by the Distant Manor Bonfire after a boss is defeated unless saved, which allows him to return and continue to scavenge.
- Siegward of Catarina may save him if rescued from the well in the Cathedral of the Deep by giving him the Catarina Set, if he is found inside the kitchen.
- Entering Irithyll Dungeon moves Siegward from the kitchen to the Dungeon, and he will no longer be able to save Greirat.
- Unbreakable Patches may save him if Siegward is stuck in the Cathedral of the Deep well next to the Cleansing Chapel Bonfire, the Catarina Set has not been bought, and he's spoken to after Greirat has left.
- Entering Irithyll Dungeon prevents Patches from asking about the scavenge, and he will no longer be able to save Greirat.
- Siegward of Catarina may save him if rescued from the well in the Cathedral of the Deep by giving him the Catarina Set, if he is found inside the kitchen.
- Third Run: Upon reaching Lothric Castle, he offers to pillage it. His ashes are recovered from the roof outside the Grand Archives, below the first Spear Gargoyle and reached by jumping from a corner past Corvians.
- Patches can be sent out to fail a rescue, but will sell 1 Hidden Blessing for 16,000 Souls upon returning after a boss is defeated.
- Giving these ashes to the Shrine Handmaid unlocks several items.
Item | Quantity | Price (Souls) |
Ember | 6 | 2,000 |
Lightning Urn | ∞ | 700 |
Splintering Bolt | ∞ | 280 |
Exploding Bolt | ∞ | 300 |
Ringfinger Leonhard
Ringfinger Leonhard is a man obsessed with Rosaria, Mother of Rebirth.
Always exhaust the dialogues to ensure the storyline continues.
- Talk to Ringfinger Leonhard right before killing Vordt of the Boreal Valley.
- Talk to Ringfinger Leonhard after gaining a Pale Tongue to receive Lift Chamber Key.
- Kill the Darkwraith in the High Wall of Lothric (use key below the Tower on the Wall bonfire).
- Talk to Ringfinger Leonhard after killing the Darkwraith at High Wall of Lothric.
- Join the Rosaria's Fingers covenant and give at least one Pale Tongue to Rosaria.
- Talk to Ringfinger Leonhard at the Rosaria's Bed Chamber bonfire in the Cathedral of the Deep.
- Reach the Profaned Capital bonfire.
- Defeat Aldrich, Devourer of Gods.
- Return to the Rosaria's Bed Chamber bonfire and get the Black Eye Orb from Rosaria's body.
- Go up the elevator at Aldrich, Devourer of Gods and through the doors.
- Use the Black Eye Orb and to invade Leonhard's world and kill him.
Sirris of the Sunless Realms
A former servant of Divinity from the Sunless Realms on a quest to fulfill a promise to her grandad.
Warning: Equipping the Rosaria's Fingers covenant item or giving either Rosaria, Mother of Rebirth or the altar after the Curse-rotted Greatwood boss any Vertebra Shackles will exclude you from this questline, as Sirris will refuse to talk to you anymore.
(You may "ask to join the covenant" and receive the Rosaria's Fingers covenant item without jeopardizing the questline, but actually equipping the item may end it. You can fully compete her questline and then follow the one for Ringfinger Leonhard if you so desire This should allow you to access Creighton the Wanderer and the Silvercat Ring/Mail Breaker, but the second summon sign for Sirris may not appear, however )
Always exhaust the dialogues to ensure the storyline continues.
- Light the Halfway Fortress bonfire on the Road of Sacrifices.
- Speak with Sirris in Firelink Shrine.
- Obtain the Dreamchaser's Ashes in Farron's Keep near the Old Wolf Of Farron behind an illusory wall, and turn the ashes in to the Shrine Handmaid.
- Speak with Sirris once more in Firelink Shrine, she will offer her co-operation and give you the Darkmoon gesture.
- After resting at the Central Irithyll bonfire, return to the bridge where you just fought Sulyvahn's Beast and find a summon sign for Sirris. You will be summoned into her world to help her kill Creighton. After killing him, continue through Irithyll and after the Church of Yorshka bonfire. Creighton will invade your world as a dark spirit. Kill him and you will receive Dragonslayer's Axe, and you can find his armor, Mirrah Chain Set, back on the bridge near where Sirris's summon sign was located
- Speak to Sirris again at Firelink Shrine and she will gift you the Silvercat Ring and a blessed Mail Breaker.
- After killing Curse-rotted Greatwood and Aldrich, Devourer of Gods, teleport to the Cliff Underside bonfire in the Undead Settlement, and head to the boss room of the Curse-rotted Greatwood. You will find another summon sign in the antechamber above the chasm which, when used, will again summon you into Sirris's world. Help Sirris kill Holy Knight Hodrick, and when you return to your world you can find Hodrick's Sunset Set in the Pit of Hollows bonfire area, and his Sunset Shield at a grave outside Firelink Shrine, near the hollow looking towards the sunset on the edge of the cliff.
- Speak to Sirris again at Firelink Shrine and she will swear fealty to you. You can now summon her for various bosses, but it is not required to do so in order to continue her questline.
- After killing The Twin Princes, you can find Sirris dead outside Firelink Shrine with her Sunless Talisman, on the grave where you found Hodrick's Sunset Shield earlier. You can now purchase her Sunless Set from the Shrine Handmaid.
- At this point you can safely continue Ringfinger Leonhard's questline.
- After Sirris swears fealty to you, her summon sign appears before Dragonslayer Armour and The Twin Princes.
- Her Sunless Set can be purchased from the Shrine Handmaid after completing her quest or killing her.
Hawkwood the Deserter
Gives the player the Collapse Gesture.
Gives the player the Farron Ring after defeating the Abyss Watchers
His shield can be found on a grave outside Firelink Shrine after he leaves.
Always exhaust the dialogue of Hawkwood to ensure he moves onto each stage of his storyline.
- Speak to Hawkwood at Firelink Shrine. Speak to him as you continue through the game to receive the Collapse gesture and the Farron Ring.
- He will disappear after killing the Abyss Watchers.
- After visiting Archdragon Peak, speak to Blacksmith Andre who tells you to collect 3 Dragon Stones (Dragon Torso Stone, Dragon Head Stone and Twinkling Dragon Torso Stone).
- Once you have collected the Dragon Stones, head to the Abyss Watchers bonfire in Farron Keep. He will fight you there. If you die to Hawkwood, you will lose the Dragon Stones.
- Defeating Hawkwood will grant you the Twinkling Dragon Head Stone.
Irina of Carim
A blind maiden of Miracles who may become a Fire Keeper.
Always exhaust the dialogue of Irina to ensure she moves onto each stage of her storyline
- Find the Mortician's Ashes near to the arrow-laden area in the Undead Settlement. Give them to the Shrine Handmaid to unlock the Grave Key. Buy it for 1,500 souls.
- Open the door near to the Cliff Underside bonfire in the Undead Settlement to rescue Irina. She will move to Firelink Shrine.
- Bring her the two of the braille tomes. They are:
- Braille Divine Tome of Carim - Light
- Londor Braille Divine Tome - Dark
- Braille Divine Tome of Lothric - Light
- Deep Braille Divine Tome - Dark
- Depending on what miracles you buy, you will get either a Holy or Dark ending:
- Holy: Give her the Braille Divine Tome of Carim and Braille Divine Tome of Lothric then buy all the associated Light miracles of them and all her default miracles. Do not buy any dark miracles. (If you gave her a dark tome but do not purchase any of the dark miracles, she will leave the those tomes eventually for you to pick up again, you can then give them to Karla to learn from). She will appear in the Fire Keeper tower, where she will allow you to level up for souls just like the Fire Keeper. Eygon of Carim will be available to summon for the Dragonslayer Armour boss, but summoning him is optional. The Shrine Handmaid will sell Eygon's armor after the Dragonslayer Armour is defeated, and his weapons can be found in Irina's cell in the Undead Settlement. If you gave her the Londor Braille Divine Tome or Deep Braille Divine Tome but didn't buy the miracles they will appear on the ground next to her. You can force these on Karla to buy the dark miracles
- Dark: Give her the Londor Braille Divine Tome or Deep Braille Divine Tome, and buy the dark miracles associated with them. She will move to the Iudex Gundyr bonfire. You will need to fight Eygon of Carim to return her to Firelink Shrine. Afterwards she will be absorbed by the darkness and upon purchasing and equipping Eygon's gloves, she will beleive you are him and beg you to kill her
Amnesiac Lapp
A hollowing, amnesiac warrior on the search for the Purging Monument to regain his memories.
- Talk to him in The Dreg Heap. Head down past the room with Overgrown Lothric Knights to cause a pillar to collapse the wall, then head back up and cross it.
- Talk to him by the Earthen Peak Ruins Bonfire after the area is reloaded.
- Either pick up the Titanite Slab inside the cave of the poison swamp yourself, or reload the area three times so that Lapp permanently kills the Harald Legion Knight nearby, and grants the Titanite Slab and a Siegbräu.
- Talk to him by the Ringed Inner Wall Bonfire, on the balcony, where he grants the Toast Gesture and Siegbräu.
- Talk to him above the Ringed City Streets Bonfire, reached at the end of the path past the Ringed Knights atop the ladder around the corner of the Harald Legion Knight staircase.
- Find and interact with the Purging Monument, and speak of it to him.
- Enter the Shared Grave and take a right towards the purple cloth to speak to him at his last location, granting the Patches Squat Gesture. Walk towards the purple cloth to trigger a cutscene, and be dropped down to progress further into the area. Lapp's Set and the Champion's Bones may now be found where he was squatting.
If the Slave Knight Gael Boss fight has been started and the area is reloaded two times after talking to him above the Ringed Inner Wall Bonfire, and he is talked to without speaking of the Purging Monument both times, he will hollow and attack the player on sight when the area is reloaded for a third time.