Fleshbite Ring
Fleshbite Ring
Fleshbite Ring Image
Weight Weight 0.9
Sell Price Sell Price 100 / 150


One of the bite rings native to Carim.
Raises poison, bleed, frost, and curse resist.

The crafting of these rings is forbidden, perhaps owing to the fear of malleable stone. Clerics, however, dabble freely in the art.


Increases Poison, Bleed, Frost and Curse Resistances by 40.

Ring Version Effect
Fleshbite Ring Increases Poison, Bleed, Frost and Curse Resistances by 40.
Fleshbite Ring +1

Increases Poison, Bleed, Frost and Curse Resistances by 60.

Fleshbite Ring +2
Fleshbite Ring +3


In the Grand Archives, inside the room past the shortcut ladder guarded by four Archive Scholars, the ring will be on a corpse in an area filled with cursed arms.

Ring Version Playthrough Availability
Fleshbite Ring New Game In the Grand Archives, inside the room past the shortcut ladder guarded by four Archive Scholars, the ring will be on a corpse in an area filled with cursed arms.
Fleshbite Ring +1 New Game+ In the High Wall of Lothric, on a roof not far from the Tower on the Wall Bonfire. Head out onto a large roof with one Pus of Man and go to the ladder where you will see the ring on the next roof over.
Fleshbite Ring +2 New Game++
Fleshbite Ring +3 New Game+++

See Also

In Other Games


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