Bursting Fireball
Bursting Fireball
Bursting Fireball Image
spell-type.png Category Pyromancy
damage-type.png Effect Type Offensive, Ranged
spell-fp.png FP Cost 14
slots-used.png Slots Used 1
soul-value.png Sell Price 150
intelligence.png Intelligence faith.png Faith
18 12


Pyromancy of old restored by Cornyx. One of the Great Swamp's more advanced spells.

Hurls an exploding fireball.

A rare technique that undergoes change after leaving the caster's hand, making this a spell renowned for its difficulty.


Hurls an exploding fireball, dealing Fire damage.

Fires in a roughly horizontal spread, with a 30 degree horizontal arc.


Can be bought from Cornyx of the Great Swamp for 5,000 souls after giving him the Great Swamp Pyromancy Tome.



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