Lightning Spear
Lightning Spear
Lightning Spear Image
spell-type.png Category Miracle
damage-type.png Effect Type Offensive, Ranged
spell-fp.png FP Cost 23
slots-used.png Slots Used 1
soul-value.png Sell Price 150
intelligence.png Intelligence faith.png Faith


Miracle allegedly used by Warriors of Sunlight.

Hurls a lightning spear.

The spears inflict lightning damage, providing an effective counter to magic or fire. Especially powerful against metal armor and dragons.


Hurls a lightning spear towards the target, dealing Lightning damage.

Damage equals Spell BuffCatalyst × 1.45.

In close range, a second Lighting bolt strikes, dealing additional damage equal to approximately Spell BuffCatalyst × 1.15.


In Farron Keep. Ascend the elevator from the Old Wolf of Farron Bonfire. After a short walk up a staircase, turn right, away from the Stray Demon and walk along the right wall, there is a route to the right of the crumbling gatehouse. Drop onto the ledge beyond that hole and follow along the wall, to the other side of the gate. The Miracle resides amongst the Crystal Lizards near the dragon.



  • App 1.07, Regulation 1.11
    • Fixed a bug where sound effects did not play properly when using Lightning Spears in quick succession


See Also

In Other Games


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